Gestão da informação e competências necessarias ao gestor – Pág. 29 a 42
Gestão da informação e competências necessarias ao gestor – Pág. 29 a 42
Research on information management, presenting skills needed by information managers, aiming
business competitiveness. We carried out an exploratory research, applied qualitative and quantitative,
by performing a literature review and data survey from the three parts of the study object, through
the development of research instruments structured with closed questions. Results indicate that the
market has clarity regarding the desired skills for managing information, and educational institutions
are unsure whether their curricula meet the demands. It was concluded that information management
is a tool that extends the organizational competitiveness.
Keywords: Information Management, Skills and Competitiveness.
* Professor do Departamento de Ciência e Gestão da Informação - DECIGI Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR.
** Acadêmica do Curso Gestão da Informação - Bolsista do CNPq Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR