La inversión extranjera en la actualización del modelo económico cubano con empresas amigables con el ambiente – Pág. 69 a 81
La inversión extranjera en la actualización del modelo económico cubano con empresas amigables con el ambiente – Pág. 69 a 81
This paper analyzes foreign investment in Cuba from the perspective of Mercantile Law. It also examines
the environmental problems within the Cuban public sector since the triumph of the social Project
until the 21st century, which have been recognized by the Public Administration. The Cuban industry is
obsolete and heterogeneous; it needs to be renovated through the implementation of clean technologies,
and the application of management tools to become eco-friendly companies that are more competitive
and sustainable within the new economic model. With the changes that such model brought
about, as well as the passing of a new law for foreign investment, the State is trying to modernize the
Cuban industry so that it respects the environment and achieves sustainable development.
Key words: Foreign investment – Eco-friendly company– Sustainable development.