Factores extrínsecos e intrínsecos que limitan a la empresa familiar – Pág. 105 a 115
Factores extrínsecos e intrínsecos que limitan a la empresa familiar – Pág. 105 a 115
This paper analyzes the main intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect the longevity of family businesses
worldwide. These factors are related to the historical nature of companies to understand their origin
and exclusiveness. In particular, these elements are connected with Mexican businesses to understand
the low indicators in the country. This study conducts a literature review of the national and international
research on the subject. Findings show that intrinsic factors have a greater impact on businesses’
life spans than extrinsic ones.
Key words: Family business – Extrinsic factors– Intrinsic factors.
JEL: D13 D14, D21, D22