Carreira profissional ou da organização? Um estudo de caso de empreendedores do segmento industrial de Minas Gerais – Pág. 45 a 61

Carreira profissional ou da organização? Um estudo de caso de empreendedores do segmento industrial de Minas Gerais – Pág. 45 a 61


  • Carla Naiancy Couto Gomes


Recently in Brazil, the term entrepreneurship has been vehemently discussed by theorists who
seek the abstract concept of the individual who is heading a business. Many are the characteristics
pointed out for this professional and there are many questions concerning the projection of his
career. Topics to be approached by this work are: how entrepreneurs deal with the challenges,
the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur and the factors that influence them throughout his career. The study aimed to describe the career path of four entrepreneurs from the industrial
branch of a municipality in Minas Gerais which enabled through multiple case studies, using indepth
interviews and qualitative analysis, to identify how they design their personal career and the
organization, with the primary outcome of the hybrid projection of careers.
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Career, Entrepreneurial Caree



How to Cite

2018. Carreira profissional ou da organização? Um estudo de caso de empreendedores do segmento industrial de Minas Gerais – Pág. 45 a 61: Carreira profissional ou da organização? Um estudo de caso de empreendedores do segmento industrial de Minas Gerais – Pág. 45 a 61. REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS EMPRESARIALES Y ECONONOMÍA. 5, 5 (Mar. 2018).