El puerto de Montevideo y su ventaja competitiva – Pág. 59 a 69

El puerto de Montevideo y su ventaja competitiva – Pág. 59 a 69


  • Patricia Piana Presas


This article presents an account of the logistics platform port of Uruguay seeking to emphasize, in
particular, the main strengths and weaknesses of the Port of Montevideo, the country’s main port,
depending on the competitive advantages it offers to the market. However, the logistics of port allows
for a more efficient action against other powers, like Argentina and Brazil, as well as all operational port
in the country, allowing, from Porter’s vision, analyze the competitive advantages sector in Uruguay.
Keywords: logistics, competitive advantage, ports of Uruguay.



How to Cite

2018. El puerto de Montevideo y su ventaja competitiva – Pág. 59 a 69: El puerto de Montevideo y su ventaja competitiva – Pág. 59 a 69. REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS EMPRESARIALES Y ECONONOMÍA. 2, 2 (Jan. 2018).